
Streamlining AP invoice processing for clarity and efficiency

Loop’s core service is to help clients understand and accurately pay their carrier invoices. The AP invoice processing workflow was key to this by allowing users to verify if their carriers are billing them correctly and providing the necessary data to either dispute or confidently pay invoices. I redesigned the AP invoice processing experience to improve visibility into invoice amounts and approval statuses, streamline the audit and approval workflow, and enhance access to relevant shipment information and documents. Throughout the design process, I collaborated closely with the founding Product Manager, Customer Success team, and Engineers to gather feedback and align stakeholders with the proposed solution. I also conducted user interviews before and after this project to ensure we are focused on user needs and validating design solutions. This new redesign gave users a clearer picture of complex invoices, helping them action on millions of dollars worth of invoices faster and reduce processing time.

June - September 2023

Sole designer, 1 Product Manager, ~4 Engineers

Unpaid AP invoice ready for processing

AP invoice after approval and payment

Connor Lin © 2024

Connor Lin © 2024